Privacy Policy

Privacy & Cookies

Cookie control
Various cookies are used on our website: technically necessary, connections to external services/media and those for statistical web analysis and marketing or tracking purposes. These are described in detail in the data protection information below. You can manage your consent via the following banner:

[borlabs-cookie type="btn-cookie-preference" title="Customize cookie settings"/]

Privacy policy
We would like to inform you in the following about the processing of personal data in the context of the use of our Internet pages.

Responsible person
Responsible for these Internet pages is
Gharieni Group Ltd.
Gutenbergstr. 40
47443 Moers
Legally represented by the managing director:
Sammy Gharieni

Further information about our company and the persons authorized to represent it can be found in our imprint. Which data are processed?

Legal basis of the data processing
In order to be able to offer you our website and the services associated with it, we process personal data on the basis of the following legal principles:

  • Consent (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a) DSGVO)
  • for the performance of contracts (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b) DSGVO
  • on the basis of a balancing of interests (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f) DSGVO)
  • to fulfil a legal obligation (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. c) DSGVO)

We will refer to the relevant terms in connection with the respective processing so that you can classify on which basis we process personal data.
If personal data are processed on the basis of your consent, you have the right to revoke this consent at any time with effect for the future.
If we process data on the basis of a weighing up of interests, you as the person concerned have the right to object to the processing of personal data, taking into account the provisions of Art. 21 DSGVO.

Access data
When you visit our website, personal data is processed in order to be able to display the contents of the website on your terminal device.
In order for the pages to be displayed in your browser, the IP address of the terminal device you use must be processed. Additional information about the browser of your terminal device is also processed.
We are obliged under data protection law to also guarantee the confidentiality and integrity of the personal data processed with our IT systems.
For this purpose and out of this interest, the following data is recorded on the basis of a weighing of interests:

  • IP address of the calling computer (for a maximum of 7 days)
  • Operating system of the calling computer
  • Browser version of the calling computer
  • Name of the retrieved file
  • Date and time of retrieval
  • data volume transferred
  • Referring URL

The IP address will be deleted after 7 days at the latest from all systems used in connection with the operation of these Internet pages. We can then no longer establish a personal reference from the remaining data.
The data is also used to determine and correct errors on the Internet pages.

Contact by Chat
We offer a live chat on our website where you can request information about our products or services or contact us in general. During the operation of this tool, anonymized data on usage are generated, which can also be linked to anynomized usage profiles. We have marked the data that is absolutely necessary for you to answer an inquiry as mandatory fields. Information on other data fields is voluntary. We need this information in order to process your inquiry, to address you correctly and to send you an answer. The data processing is carried out for concrete inquiries for the fulfilment of a contract or the initiation of a contract. In the case of general enquiries, processing is based on a weighing of interests. Inquiries received via the chat tool on our website are processed electronically by us in order to answer your inquiry. In this context, other persons or departments and possibly third parties may also become aware of the contents of the forms you have sent. The live chat tool is operated by Tidio Poland Sp. z o.o. Wojska Polskiego 81, 70-481, Szczecin, POLAND. We have concluded a contract with these service providers for order processing. Tidio’s privacy policy can be found at: Since they belong to Tidio LLC 180 Steuart St,CA 94119, San Francisco, we cannot exclude the possibility that data may be transferred to the USA despite the selection of EU server locations. There is currently no adequate level of data protection there, so that US authorities could have access to their data without legal recourse, which could possibly result in disadvantages. On the basis of their consent according to Art. 49 a DSGVO, which we store in Borlabs, this data transfer is initiated. The transmission of form data via the Internet is carried out via encrypted connections.

Contact form / Contact by email
We offer a contact form on our website where you can request information about our products or services or contact us in general. We have marked the data that is absolutely necessary for you to answer an inquiry as mandatory fields. Information on other data fields is voluntary.
We need this information in order to process your inquiry, to address you correctly and to send you an answer. The data processing is carried out for concrete inquiries for the fulfilment of a contract or the initiation of a contract. In the case of general enquiries, processing is based on a weighing of interests. The aforementioned applies equally when contacting us by email.
Enquiries received via the contact form on our website are processed electronically by us in order to answer your enquiry. In this context, other persons or departments and possibly third parties may also become aware of the contents of the form which you have sent.
The transmission of the form data via the Internet is carried out via encrypted connections.

Data processing for the purpose of application
We offer you the opportunity to apply for open positions on our website. Selected employees are available to you for this purpose. You are welcome to send them your application documents. We will review your documents and inform you of the result of our review. If we do not decide in your favour as a new employee, we will block your personal data and delete it after a maximum of five months.

Data processing for the purpose of initiating business
If you contact us for the purpose of initiating a business transaction (e.g. a description of the matter under review, a specific question, sending of documents), we will store this e-mail in our system. How long we may use your e-mail and any attachments is determined by the respective requirements.

Newsletter, advertising and market research
You can also subscribe to an e-mail newsletter on our website. We use the so-called Double-Opt-In procedure. Here, a confirmation e-mail is first sent to your specified e-mail address with a request for confirmation. The subscription only becomes effective when you click on the activation link contained in the confirmation mail. We use your data transmitted to us exclusively for the dispatch of the newsletter, which can contain information or offers. However, this is absolutely necessary to send you the newsletter.
You can cancel the newsletter at any time. Alternatively you will find a link to unsubscribe in every newsletter e-mail.
In order to be able to analyse the popularity of our newsletter mailings and to optimise them, we log when e-mails are opened and links are clicked. This usage analysis is based on a weighing of interests. You can object to this processing by unsubscribing from the newsletter.
We use rapidmail to send our newsletter. Your data will therefore be transmitted to rapidmail GmbH. In doing so, rapidmail GmbH is prohibited from using your data for any other purpose than for sending the newsletter. rapidmail GmbH is not permitted to pass on or sell your data. rapidmail is a German, certified newsletter software provider which has been carefully selected in accordance with the requirements of the DSGVO and the BDSG.

Cookies are used on our Internet pages. Cookies are small pieces of text information that are stored in your terminal device via your browser. The cookies are necessary to enable certain functions of our internet pages.
We use both session cookies, which are automatically deleted by your browser immediately after the end of your visit to our website.

We use the following technically necessary cookies on our site:

Name, type, storage period, purpose

  • PHPSESSID, session, no storage duration, session fixation?
  • nc_sid, Session, no storage duration, Website traffic optimization
  • _icl_current_language, persistent, 1day, chat functionality?
  • wplc_chat_status, persistent, 1day, chat functionality?
  • wplc_cid, persistent, 1day, chat functionality?
  • txc_customerID, persistent, 1year, chat functionality?
  • borlabs-cookie, persistent, 1 year, cookie opt-in

All the above-mentioned cookies are absolutely necessary for the operation of our website. The use of cookies that are not absolutely necessary is only possible with your consent. In these cases, a corresponding consent form will be displayed on the website.

We use the following cookies on our website on the basis of consent:

Name, type, storage period, purpose

  • pkses.12345, Session, no storage duration, Statistical analysis for Matomo
  • pkid.12.345, Persistent, 13 months, Recognition User Analysis Matomo
  • _gac_ua_12345, Persistent, 30 days, Conversion Tracking Adwords
  • ga, _gat, _git, persistent, 2 years, tracking and analysis via Google Analytics

You have the option of preventing the setting of cookies by making the appropriate settings in your browser. However, we would like to point out that the use of our Internet pages may then only be possible to a limited extent. No programs or other applications are installed or started on your computer by cookies.
The use of cookies is based on a weighing of interests. Our interest is the user-friendly visit of our internet pages.

Web analysis
This website uses the web analysis tool „Google Analytics“, a service offered by Google Ireland Limited. The purpose of use is the „needs-based design“ of this website, which is carried out on the basis of a consent. The web analysis also enables us to identify and correct website errors, e.g. due to incorrect links.
Google Analytics uses so-called „cookies“. The use of a web analysis system is absolutely necessary for us to provide this website, as this is the only way we can measure the success of advertising expenditure. Furthermore, no direct personal data is processed.
The information generated by the cookie about your use of this website is usually transferred to a Google server in the USA and stored there. However, since we have activated so-called IP anonymisation on this website and have concluded a corresponding contract processing agreement with Google, your IP address will be shortened by Google within member states of the European Union or in other contracting states of the Agreement on the European Economic Area beforehand. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be transferred to a Google server in the USA and shortened there.
Google in the USA is certified according to the so-called „Privacy Shield“ (list entry). An appropriate level of data protection is guaranteed by Google.
You can prevent the collection of the data generated by the cookie and related to your use of the website (including your IP address) to Google and the processing of this data by Google by downloading and installing the browser plugin available at the following link (
Alternatively, you can – especially in the case of mobile devices – prevent Google Analytics from recording the data by clicking on the following link. An opt-out cookie will then be set to prevent the future collection of your data when you visit this website:

[borlabs-cookie type="btn-cookie-preference" title="Customize cookie settings"/]

For more information on the terms of use of Google Analytics and on privacy notices, please visit:

Google AdWords / Conversion Tracking
On this website the tool Google AdWords and with so-called conversion tracking is used. This is a service offered by Google Ireland Limited for targeted advertising. The purpose of the use is the analysis, optimization and economic operation of this website, which is carried out on the basis of a voluntary consent.
Google AdWords uses so-called „cookies“. The information generated by the cookie about your use of this website is usually transferred to a Google server in the USA and stored there. If you click on a Google ad, a cookie is placed on your device for conversion tracking. If you only visit a selected section of our website, we as well as Google can evaluate that you have clicked on an advertisement and then been redirected to our website. These cookies have a duration of 30 days. Directly personal data is not processed.
The information generated by the cookie about your use of this website is usually transferred to a Google server in the USA and stored there. However, since we have activated so-called IP anonymisation on this website and have concluded a corresponding contract processing agreement with Google, your IP address will be shortened by Google within member states of the European Union or in other contracting states of the Agreement on the European Economic Area beforehand. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be transferred to a Google server in the USA and shortened there.
The appropriate level of data protection is guaranteed by Google (list entry „Privacy Shield“).
You may refuse the transfer of data generated by the cookie and relating to your use of the website (including your IP address) to Google and the processing of this data by Google by clicking on the following link

[borlabs-cookie type="btn-cookie-preference" title="Customize cookie settings"/]

Statistical Web Analysis Matomo
On this website the self-hosted web analysis tool „Matomo“ is used. With Matomo we can create statistics about the visitors of our website to improve our services constantly. In the following we explain to you which data we collect and store with Matomo, how Matomo works and how you can contradict a data collection by Matomo.
Matomo collects the following data:

  • The search engine used by you
  • The search terms you used
  • The language setting of your browser
  • The country from which you accessed our website
  • Type and version of your browser
  • The URL of the website from which you came to us
  • Your length of stay on our website

your IP address
These data are stored in a database by Matomo on our server. However, Matomo makes your IP address anonymous before it is saved. For this we use the plugin „AnonymizeIp“. By using the plugin „AnonymizeIp“ the last two blocks (octets) of your IP address are deleted. An assignment of the anonymized IP address to your person is then no longer possible. We cannot intervene in the anonymization process and therefore do not learn your complete IP address. With an IP address shortened in this way, we can only recognize the country and approximate region (e.g. state, city) from which you visit our website.

Tracking cookie
When you visit our website, our Consent Manager Borlabs asks your consent to allow Matomo Cookies to be stored in your browser. This cookie contains a combination of letters and numbers („hash value“), which enables Matomo to recognize you the next time you visit our website. Matomo calculates the hash value from your IP address, your operating system, your browser as well as the plugins installed in the browser and your screen resolution. We have no influence on this internal process and cannot access your IP address in particular. It is also not possible for us to calculate back your IP address or other information from the hash value. The cookie is set by the domain „“ and has the following name: pkid.12.345 (number is individual)
The cookie has a duration of almost 13 months and enables not only the recognition of users who have already been on the website, but also the non-personal analysis of the behaviour on the website. For example, it is possible to recognize from which page users came to this website and which „click path“ they then took. It is also possible to see which documents were downloaded, for example.
In addition, Matomo also sets a so-called session cookie: pkses.12345 (number is individual). The cookie is automatically deleted after the end of each session. As mentioned above, a personal reference cannot be established via these cookies.

Your right of objection
You can object to the collection, storage and processing of your data by Matomo at any time. To do so, please deactivate the corresponding check box at the beginning of this notice under Cookie Control (Borlabs Consent Manager).

[borlabs-cookie type="btn-cookie-preference" title="Customize cookie settings"/]

This click causes Matomo to place an opt-out cookie in your browser, delete the tracking cookie and data about your visit to our website will no longer be collected and stored by us. Please note the following technical note: If you occasionally or regularly delete the cookies stored in your browser, the opt-out cookie will also be deleted. You would have to save your selection again when you revisit our website in order for another opt-out cookie to be stored in your browser.

Google Web Fonts
We use so-called Google Web Fonts on our Internet pages. These fonts are loaded from Google servers, which serve to improve the design of the website. The data processing is based on a balancing of interests, whereby our interest lies in an attractive design of the website.
The fonts in question are loaded from Google’s servers, which are usually located in the USA. The appropriate level of data protection is guaranteed by Google (list entry „Privacy Shield“).

Google Maps
We use the map service Google Maps on our Internet pages. Google Maps belongs to Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland („Google“). In order to be able to plan directions and routes and to display our location, Google Maps API or external links have been integrated on this page to visually display geographical information. If you allow this connection via our Consent Tool, when using Google Maps, Google will also collect, process and use data on the use of the Maps functions by visitors to the website. Further information about data processing by Google can be found in the data protection notice of Google The use of Google Maps is based on a weighing of interests. Our interest lies in an appealing presentation of our online offers and in easy findability of the locations we indicate on the website. The maps in question are loaded from Google’s servers, which are usually located in the USA. The appropriate level of data protection is guaranteed by Google (list entry „Privacy Shield“).

We use embedded Youtube videos on our Internet pages. We take care to insert them in the so-called extended data protection mode (nocookie). YouTube belongs to Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland („Google“). As soon as you visit a YouTube video-equipped page on our website, a connection to the YouTube servers can be established. You can control this connection via our Consent Manager. If you allow this, the YouTube server is informed which specific page of our website you have visited. In addition, if you are logged in to your YouTube account, you would allow YouTube to assign your surfing behavior directly to your personal profile. You can exclude this possibility of assignment if you log out of your account before. For more information about YouTube’s collection and use of your information, please refer to their privacy policy at The data processing is based on a balancing of interests, whereby our interest lies in an attractive design of the website. The videos in question are loaded from Google servers, which are usually located in the USA. The appropriate level of data protection is guaranteed by Google (list entry „Privacy Shield“).

External links
We link websites of other providers (third parties) that are not affiliated with us. If you click on these links/icons, we no longer have any influence on which data is collected and used by these providers. More detailed information on data collection and use can be found in the privacy policy of the respective provider. We assume no responsibility for data collection and processing by third parties. However, as far as technically possible we will clearly point out that you are accessing a third party provider. If this is not already clearly indicated in the text/icon, we provide the link to the page of a third party provider with the note „external link“.

Facebook button
On our website, we use the Facebook button of the social network, which is operated by Facebook Inc, 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA („Facebook“). You can recognize the Facebook button by the Facebook logo or the „Like Button“ („Like“). If you are logged into Facebook as a member, Facebook will associate this information with your personal Facebook user account. When you use the Facebook button (e.g. clicking the button, submitting a comment), corresponding information is transmitted directly from your browser to Facebook and is also assigned to your Facebook user account and stored there. You can find more information on the collection and use of data by Facebook and on your rights and options for protecting your privacy in this regard in Facebook’s data protection information at

Twitter button
We use a Twitter button on our website, a social network operated by Twitter Inc, 1355 Market Street, Suite 900, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA. You can recognize the Twitter button by the corresponding logo, if applicable with lettering. Twitter receives the information that you have visited our website with your IP address. When you use the button, your browser will also transmit corresponding information directly to Twitter. You can find more information on the collection and use of data by Twitter and on your rights and options for protecting your privacy in this regard in the data protection information

Instagram button
We use an Instagram button on our website, a social network operated by Instagram LLC, 1601 Willow Rd, Menlo Park CA 94025, USA. You can recognize the Instagram button by the corresponding logo and lettering. This tells Instagram that you have used your IP address to visit our website. When you use the button, your browser also transmits information directly to Instagram. For more information about Instagram’s collection and use of this information and about your rights and options for protecting your privacy, please refer to our privacy policy

LinkedIn button
We use a LinkedIn button on our website, a social network operated by LinkedIn Corporation, 2029 Stierlin Court, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. You can recognize the LinkedIn button by its logo and lettering, if applicable. LinkedIn will know that you have used your IP address to visit our website. When you use the button, your browser will also send information directly to LinkedIn. For more information about LinkedIn’s collection and use of this information, and about your rights and options for protecting your privacy, please see our privacy policy

Pinterest button
We use a Pinterest button on our website, a social network operated by Pinterest Inc, 808 Brannan Street San Francisco, CA 94103-490, USA. The Pinterest button can be recognized by its logo and lettering. Pinterest is thus informed that you have visited our website using your IP address. When you use the button, your browser will also send information directly to Pinterest. For more information on the collection and use of data by Pinterest and on your rights and options for protecting your privacy, please refer to the Privacy Policy

YouTube button
We use a YouTube button on our website, a social network operated by YouTube, LLC, 901 Cherry Ave., San Bruno, CA 94066, USA. You can recognize the YouTube button by the corresponding logo and lettering. Youtube receives the information that you have visited our website with your IP address. When you use the button, your browser sends further information directly to Youtube. For more information on the collection and use of data by YouTube and on your rights and options for protecting your privacy, please refer to the data protection notice

Sweepstakes and similar activities
From time to time, you may be given the opportunity to participate in contests and similar promotions on our website. Within the framework of these campaigns, personal data (e-mail address, name, address and any other data required for the campaign) may also be collected and stored for the purpose of processing the campaign. The personal data you provide us with in the course of such a campaign will be used exclusively for the processing of the campaign (in the case of a competition, for example, for determining the prize, notification of the prize and sending the prize). After the end of the promotion, the participants‘ data will be deleted.

Purposes of processing personal data
We process the aforementioned data for the operation of our website and for the fulfilment of contractual obligations to our customers or for the protection of our legitimate interests.
In the case of enquiries from you outside an active customer relationship, we process the data for the purposes of sales and advertising. You can object to the use of your personal data for advertising purposes at any time.

Voluntary data
If you provide us with data voluntarily, e.g. in forms, and this data is not required for the fulfilment of our contractual obligations, we process this data on the justified assumption that the processing and use of this data is in your interest.

Recipient / passing on of data
Data that you provide to us will not be passed on to third parties. In particular, your data will not be passed on to third parties for their advertising purposes.
However, we may use service providers for the operation of this website or for further products or services from us. In this case it can happen that a service provider obtains knowledge of personal data. We select our service providers carefully – especially with regard to data protection and data security – and take all measures required by data protection law for permissible data processing.

Data processing outside the European Union
Insofar as personal data is processed outside the European Union, you can see this from the previous explanations.

Data protection officer
We have appointed a data protection officer.
You can contact him as follows:
Kompass Data Protection GmbH
Jan Besold
Fischenicher Str. 10
50354 Hürth
Tel. 02841 – 8 83 00 0

Your rights as a data subject
You have the right of access to personal data concerning you. You can contact us for information at any time.
In the case of a request for information that is not made in writing, we ask for your understanding that we may require you to provide evidence that proves that you are the person you claim to be.
Furthermore, you have the right to correction or deletion or to restriction of processing, as far as you are legally entitled to do so.
Finally, you have the right to object to the processing within the scope of the statutory provisions.
You also have a right to data transferability within the framework of the data protection regulations.

Deletion of data
As a matter of principle, we delete personal data when there is no need for further storage. A requirement can exist in particular if the data is still needed to fulfil contractual services, to check and grant or ward off warranty and, if applicable, guarantee claims. In the case of statutory storage obligations, deletion shall only be considered after the expiry of the respective storage obligation.

Right of appeal to a supervisory authority
You have the right to complain about the processing of personal data by us to a data protection supervisory authority. For example:
State Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information North Rhine-Westphalia
Kavalleriestr. 2-4
40213 Düsseldorf
Phone: 0211/38424-0
fax: 0211/38424-10

Changes to this privacy policy
We will revise this privacy notice whenever changes are made to this website or other matters that require it. You will always find the current version on this website

Status: 02.07.2020